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05. Cambridge Certificate KET/PET

Bild Legende:

Worum geht's in diesem Kurs?

Join the voluntary English course and achieve the Cambridge KET or PET certificate! Why?

  • You improve your English skills
  • You learn an international language and are ready to travel the world
  • You will be able to watch your favourite TV show in the original language
  • You get an official certificate which looks very good when you apply for jobs!

In addition to getting you ready for the exam in a small class, our course will help you explore the beauty of the English language and how it relates to you personally.


Zeit für Schüler/innen der 2. Sek
jeweils montags oder mittwochs, 16.20-17.50 Uhr, ca. 10x
Start - erstes Mal

PET: Montag, 5. Februar 2024
KET: Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2024

Ende - letztes Mal Montag, 20. Mai 2024
Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2024
Kosten CHF 130 für Kursmaterial und Prüfungsgebühren. Die Prüfung findet am Sa, 25. Mai 2024 statt.
Leitung PET (E-, P-Zug): Herr Luc Martin
KET (A-Zug): Herr Leonardo Fridman